What's at risk with your next payment

Your payment amount in USD:


When your payment is due:

{{Payment_Timeline_Weeks}} week(s)

The current exchange rate:


Value at risk

${{={0,0.00}Value_At_Risk}} USD

If you are sending ${{={0,0.00}Expected_Payment_Amount}} USD in {{Payment_Timeline_Weeks}} weeks, this is the value at risk that the transaction exposes your bottom line to.

What does this mean for your business?

If you were to complete this transaction today, the ${{={0,0.00}Expected_Payment_Amount}} USD would be ${{={0,0.00}Payment_in_CAD}} CAD. In {{Payment_Timeline_Weeks}} weeks, this transaction could cost you an additional ${{={0,0.00}VAR_in_CAD}} CAD. Given the value at risk calculation, this could mean a total transaction amount of ${{={0,0.00}Total_Cost_CAD}} CAD.

If you don't hedge, you are at risk of needing more CAD for your USD payment.


${{={0,0.00}Expected_Payment_Amount}} USD = ${{={0,0.00}Payment_in_CAD}} CAD

Value at risk
${{={0,0.00}VAR_in_CAD}} CAD

Total transaction

${{={0,0.00}Total_Cost_CAD}} CAD