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/ 7

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{{={0.#}OverallAverageScore}} / 7

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{{={0.#}AvgIDFemale}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgIDMale}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgIDNB}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgIDNoAnswer}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgIDDescribe}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAgeUnder18}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAge1830}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAge3144}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAge4554}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAge5564}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAge65}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgAgeNoAnswer}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgEduNoHS}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgEduHS}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgEduPostSec}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgEduBach}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgEduGrad}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgEduNoAnswer}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgMsSingle}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgMsMarried}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgMsDivorced}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgMsWidowed}} / 7
{{={0.#}AvgMsNoAnswer}} / 7

You got {{Score}}/7 questions correct

Blue text indicates the answer(s) that you selected
indicates the correct answer(s)

Q1. {{Question01}}

Unpaid cell phone bills
A “soft” inquiry to your credit bureau 
High debt balances compared to available credit 
Opening a chequing account 
Going over your credit limit 
How long you've had credit
Not quite right...
Unpaid bills, the amount of credit owing, going over your credit limit and how long you've had credit all contribute to your overall credit score.

Q2. {{Question02}}

A list of your financial assets and liabilities
A monthly credit card statement
A loan and bill payment history
Don’t know
Not quite right...
Your credit report typically looks at your bill payment history, how much you've borrowed and the length of your credit history.

Q3. {{Question03}}

Your credit score
How much you borrow
How long you take to repay the loan
All of the above
None of the above
Don’t know
Not quite right...
It's all of the above. Your credit history, how much you're applying to borrow and your plan to pay it back all contribute to the amount of interest you'll pay on a loan.

Q4. {{Question04}}

More than today
Exactly the same as today
Less than today
Don’t know
Not quite right...
Inflation is the rise in the cost of goods and services, and interest is money earned. If the inflation rate exceeds the interest rate on an account, then the money has less buying power, therefore being able to buy less in the future than today.

Q5. {{Question05}}

Assets - (minus) liabilities
Assets + (plus) liabilities
Your income - (minus) your expenses
Your savings account - (minus) your debt
Don't know
Not quite right...
Your net worth is the difference between total assets and total liabilities. Assets are things of value you own, while liabilities are debts you owe. 

Preferably, you’ll want your net worth to be positive, meaning you own more than you owe and have developed some wealth. If you have a negative net worth this means that you owe more than you own. 

Q6. {{Question06}}

Paying off a mortgage over a long period of time
Agreeing to pay the current rate of interest on the mortgage for as many years as possible
Making a larger down payment at the time of purchase
Making a smaller down payment at the time of purchase
Don't know
Not quite right...
 Having a larger down payment at time of purchase means you will be borrowing less money. Therefore, you’ll pay less overall interest over the life of your mortgage (all other factors staying the same).  

Q7. {{Question07}}

Not quite right...
 False. Fixed expenses are expenses that are relatively consistent month-to-month. Rent/mortgage payments and student loan payments are examples. Going to the movies each month would be a variable expense, as it can change from month to month and, in this case, is usually discretionary. 
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